Referred back indicator Referred back reason

Message on image: For orders that are not listed in Part VIIIA of the Drug Tariff all of the following endorsements are required: Supplier or Manufacturer, pack size and basic price (excluding VAT). If a formula has been dispensed and any of the ingredients are not listed in Part VIIIA, please supply the above information.

Explanation: Where any non-Part VIIIA item is prescribed or an ingredient in a formula is a non-Part VIIIA item, you need to endorse brand name or supplier or manufacturer, pack size and basic price (excluding VAT) for that item or ingredient. We cannot make reimbursement for the item without this information.


Message on image: For orders that are not listed in Part VIIIA of the Drug Tariff a Supplier or Manufacturer is required. If a formula has been dispensed and any of the ingredients are not listed in Part VIIIA, please supply the above information.

Explanation: Where any non-Part VIIIA item is prescribed or an ingredient in a formula is a non-Part VIIIA item, you need to endorse brand name or supplier or manufacturer for that item or ingredient, along with pack size and basic price (excluding VAT). We cannot make reimbursement for the item without this information.

This reason code is usually used where the pack size and price have been endorsed on initial submission, but the supplier or manufacturer or brand name was not stated.


Message on image: For orders that are not listed in Part VIIIA of the Drug Tariff a pack size and basic price (excluding VAT) are required. If a formula has been dispensed and any of the ingredients are not listed in Part VIIIA, please supply the above information.

Explanation: Where any non-Part VIIIA item is prescribed or an ingredient in a formula is a non-Part VIIIA item, you need to endorse pack size and basic price (excluding VAT) for that item or ingredient, along with brand name, supplier or manufacturer. We cannot make reimbursement for the item without this information.

This reason code is often used where the supplier, manufacturer or brand name has been endorsed on initial submission, but the pack size and price was not stated. If we do not hold a price for the item or it's not clear what pack size an endorsed price relates to, we cannot make reimbursement.


Message on image: For unlicensed medicines (specials) where the presentation is a liquid, please clarify the type of liquid.

Explanation: Where a liquid special is ordered without a pharmaceutical form or as 'liquid' you need to endorse which form you have dispensed. If you dispensed either a suspension or solution you need to state this. 


Message on image: More than one Manufacturer is available for this product. Please indicate which Manufacturer has been supplied.

Explanation: Some proprietary products are available from more than one manufacturer with the same brand name. You need to endorse the manufacturer of the item you supplied. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.


Message on image: The order or endorsement is incomplete. The following details must be present: presentation, strength and quantity.

Explanation: Either the presentation, strength or quantity details for the item are not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse presentation, strength and quantity. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.


Message on image: The order or endorsement is incomplete. The presentation must be present.

Explanation: The presentation details for the item are not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the presentation dispensed. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.


Message on image: The order or endorsement is incomplete. The strength must be present.

Explanation: The strength details for the item are not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the strength dispensed. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item


Message on image: The order or endorsement is incomplete. The quantity must be present.

Explanation: The quantity details for the item are not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the quantity dispensed. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.


Message on image: The order is incomplete. The product name must be present for the item to be processed.

Explanation: The full product name is not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the exact product dispensed. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.

This reason code is often used where a brand name indicates a range of products rather than a single product. You need to endorse which product from the range was dispensed. 


Message on image: The appliance order or endorsement is incomplete. One or more of the following are required: size (length/width), quantity, type and/or Manufacturer's catalogue number.

Explanation: The size length or width, quantity, type or manufacturer's catalogue number details for the item are not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the missing information. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.


Message on image: The Appliance order or endorsement is incomplete. The size must be present

Explanation: The size details for the item are not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the size. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.


Message on image: The appliance order or endorsement is incomplete. The quantity must be present.

Explanation: The quantity details for the item are not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the quantity dispensed. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.

This reason code is often used when appliances are ordered as a number of 'boxes'. You need to endorse the total quantity dispensed.


Message on image: The appliance order or endorsement is incomplete. The type of appliance must be present.

Explanation: The type or brand of appliance dispensed is not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the type or brand dispensed. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.

This reason code is often used when an appliance item is ordered generically but is only listed as branded items in Part IX of the Drug Tariff. You need to endorse the brand supplied.


Message on image: The appliance order or endorsement is incomplete. The manufacturer's catalogue number must be present.

Explanation: The catalogue number is not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the catalogue number. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.

The catalogue number, as listed in the Drug Tariff may be required to identify the exact product dispensed for catheters, incontinence appliances, stoma appliances or lymphoedema garments. 


Message on image: This form is incompatible with the account type in which it has been submitted. Please resubmit in an appropriate account type.

Explanation: Each account type is restricted in which form types can be submitted within it. Form types which are not allowed in a particular account type are referred back so they can be resubmitted in the correct account type.

This reason code is often used for private Controlled Drug forms and Out of Hours Non FP10 Supply forms which are submitted in pharmacy contractor NHS accounts.


Message on image: The order or endorsement is incomplete. The following details must be present: size of vial, ampoule or cartridge.

Explanation: The size of the vial, ampoule or cartridge dispensed is not included in the prescribed order or in the endorsement. You need to endorse the size dispensed. Without this information we cannot make reimbursement for the item.

This reason code is used where there are numerous sizes of vial, ampoule or cartridge available for the prescribed product and the size dispensed is not indicated.


Message on image: For Controlled Drug orders to be processed the Prescriber must include the strength, quantity and presentation required in the order.

Explanation: The strength, quantity or presentation of the Controlled Drug dispensed is not included in the prescribed order. This information needs to be included in accordance with The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.


Message on image: We are unable to determine exactly what was prescribed, or supplied. Please supply additional information that will assist us to process the annotated item(s).

Explanation: The prescribed order and endorsement do not contain enough information for us to determine the item intended.

You need to endorse the exact item dispensed so we can make reimbursement for the item. You may also need to endorse any other relevant information. This could include the supplier, invoice price, pack size, strength, quantity or presentation.

This reason code is often used if there are contradicting printed and handwritten endorsements against an item or if handwritten prescribed orders or endorsements are illegible.

 Personally administered items reason codes

Referred back reason codes
Referred back indicator Referred back reason
PD1 Please supply the brand name for this item as the manufacturer makes more than one brand.

Please supply the manufacturer and brand for this item.

PD3 The order is incomplete. The strength must be present.
PD4 The order is incomplete. The quantity must be present.

We are unable to determine exactly what was prescribed or supplied.

Please supply additional information that will assist us to process the annotated item(s).