One prescription charge is payable where one or more of the same base garment is supplied. 
Multiple prescription charges therefore only apply where completely different base garments or the same garment of differing compression sizes are ordered.
  • Class II gauntlet + Class II armsleeve = 2 charges
  • Class I thigh high open toe + Class II thigh high open toe = 2 charges
  • Class I knee high closed toe short + Class I knee high closed toe long = 1 charge

If the size (ie S, M, L, XL or I, II, III, IV, V) or length (standard, petite, short or long - not below knee or thigh high) or colour is different, this would not mean that multiple charges would be paid, as it would still be the same specification.
A good way to tell how many charges there are is to look at how the items are actually listed on the page in the Drug Tariff - where all the options ordered are covered by one entry line, one charge is payable. Where the options ordered would have to be selected from different rows in the Drug Tariff, multiple charges apply
Please note; this does not apply in the case of 'additional options' for base garments, which do not attract prescription charges.

For further guidance please refer to part XVI of the Drug Tariff.