
Branded / Proprietary Product

The only endorsement required is the pack size where multiple pack sizes of the product are available.

If the product is less common or a specially manufactured product, the net price before discount and excluding VAT should also be endorsed.

Generic Product listed in Part VIIIA of the Drug Tariff

Reimbursement is based on the Drug Tariff price.

The only endorsement that may be required is the pack size where there are multiple pack sizes listed in Part VIII of the Tariff.

Generic Product listed in Part VIIIB of the Drug Tariff

Reimbursement is based on the Drug Tariff price.

You should indicate whether the product has been extemporaneously dispensed or specially manufactured; ED or SP endorsement.

Generic Product which is not listed in Part VIIIA of the Drug Tariff

Reimbursement is based on the manufacturer's list price of the endorsed product.

Endorsement of the brand name or supplier is therefore required as well as the pack size where multiple pack sizes of the product are available.

If no brand exists, then an endorsement of manufacturer / supplier is required.

If the product is less common, the net price before discount and excluding VAT should also be endorsed unless the product is listed in Part VIIIB.

For extemporaneously dispensed products, the endorsement should include full details of all ingredients.

Unlicensed medicine which is not listed in Part VIIIB of the Drug Tariff

Reimbursement will depend on how the product was sourced. Where the unlicensed medicine has been sourced under a manufacturer's specials/importer's licence issued by the MHRA, the contractor must endorse all of the following:

  • Pack size used to fill the prescription
  • Invoice price per pack size from which the order was supplied less any discount or rebate
  • Manufacturers' / importers' MHRA license number
  • Batch number of the product supplied

Under the manufacturing part of the Section 10 exemption from the Medicines Act 1968, the contractor must endorse the names, quantities and cost of the ingredients used in preparing the product, either by the contractor or a third party.

You should indicate whether the product has been extemporaneously dispensed or specially manufactured; ED or SP endorsement.

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