
Prescribed by brand or manufacturer's name

The only endorsement required is pack size where there is multiple pack sizes of the product listed in the Tariff.

Reimbursement is based on the Drug Tariff Part IX price.

Prescribed generically and only listed generically in the Tariff

An example of this would be Absorbent Lint BPC.

The only endorsement required is the pack size where multiple pack sizes of the product are available.

In the case of elastic hosiery and trusses, a description of the generic product must be provided: the compression class, article style, quantity and knit and if appropriate made to measure.

Reimbursement is based on the Drug Tariff Part IX price.

Prescribed generically but listed by brand or manufacturer's name in the Tariff

You should endorse with the brand or manufacturer's name as listed in the Tariff.

The pack size need only be endorsed where there are multiple pack sizes of the product listed in the Tariff.

Reimbursement is based on the Drug Tariff Part IX price.

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