
OOH is a service for patient care outside of GP surgery and pharmacy opening hours. An OOH provider can act as a prescriber or dispenser and can often be an out of hours practice, walk in centre or pharmacy. Patients do not pay a prescription charge for medication provided by an OOH service.

FP10 and non-FP10 forms (FP10 P-Rec) are submitted to us. A non-FP10 is submitted for information only from a prescriber and FP10 for reimbursement from a dispenser. Forms must be submitted within six months of the drugs being supplied.

It is the responsibility of the Integrated Care Board (ICB) or Sub ICB Location (SICBL) to inform us of accredited OOH providers.

OOH accounts are registered, numbered and processed in the same way as pharmacy accounts. The same processing rules apply with the exception of no expenses or broken bulk can be claimed.

No payment is made by us as the ICB or SICBL have allocated an amount for each OOH Centre to cover these payments. The information that is produced by us from processing these accounts is passed to the ICB or SICBL.