

Electronic prescriptions can be cancelled by the prescriber; however, this cannot be done after it’s been downloaded by the pharmacy.

It will not be possible for a prescription to be electronically cancelled by a prescriber if it has one of the following statuses:

  • Prescription/item not cancelled as with dispenser 
  • Prescription/item not cancelled as with dispenser (active) 
  • Prescription/item was not cancelled - dispensed to patient 
  • Prescription/item cancellation requested by another prescriber 
  • Prescription/item expired 
  • Prescription/item not found 
  • Prescription/Item had already been cancelled

If a prescriber cancels an item or prescription, resulting in it being flagged as 'cancellation pending', a cancellation response message will be sent to the prescriber. This is only if the item or prescription is recorded as 'not dispensed' by the dispenser.

This is in addition to the cancellation message sent to the prescriber if a cancelled item or prescription is returned to EPS by the dispenser.

Where a prescription cannot be electronically cancelled, a prescriber can call the pharmacist to explain there’s a problem with the prescription. The prescribing system will provide information to the prescriber on which dispensing site has retrieved the prescription.

If a prescription is unable to be cancelled and a pharmacist is concerned about payment, they should speak to the Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Software suppliers can now make new features available in their systems to amend electronically submitted prescriptions. Contact your software provider to confirm if these features will be available on your system.

Dispensing site

A dispensing site is unable to cancel an EPS prescription. Only authorised individuals working within the organisation that issued the prescription can cancel the prescription.

The dispenser can mark an item as 'not dispensed' before sending the claim.