
This can be done by a process called 'Contract Provider Change'.

Compass allows a simple process to change the owner of the contract while the contract number remains open. You do not need to close a contract and create a new contract number when there's been a change in provider or contract type, such as a move to a limited company.

It's up to the Commissioner to decide if the use of the 'Contract Provider Change' is an appropriate solution.

Before using the 'Contract Provider Change', you must be aware that:

  • the contract number does not change, only the owner of the contract on a specified date which is generally the first of the month
  • the full monthly payment is made to the owner of the contract on the processing date for the month, we advise for the change to take effect on the first of the month for this reason
  • claims can continue to be submitted under the same number, there will be no issues around continuations and free repairs and replacements
  • claims for patients who have open courses of treatment when the provider change takes affect from can still be submitted on the same contract number
  • any existing debt or recovery for under-performance is the responsibility of the new owner
  • the old provider will no longer be able to see anything relating to the contract(s) on Compass and the new provider will be able to view all matters relating to the contract(s) including information before the date of ownership change
  • the change will require approval by a second user

You find this under 'Contract' and 'Contract Provider Change'.

You must enter the current Provider ID in the 'From Provider Field' and the new Provider ID in the 'To Provider' field.

You must also enter the date you wish the change to take effect in the 'Change of Ownership Date' field.

There's an option to add a reason for the change of ownership. You must do this as often as possible as it helps keep an audit trail.

Once all of these boxes have been completed, select 'Search'.

Following the search, you'll be presented with a list of contracts available to be changed. You can select which ones you wish to change by putting a tick in their box. Once you've selected the contract(s) you wish to change, select 'Submit'.

Once submitted, the change will require approval by a second user to complete the process.