
An advance payment request is also known as an urgent payment request.

This must only be processed by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

If you want to make a payment to a provider outside of the normal process for a monthly contract payment on the first working day of the month, you must:

1. Agree the payment details with the provider.
2. Check there's no outstanding debt when calculating the payment to make sure sufficient funds will be available to recover the payment on the next schedule. Any existing debt will not be recovered from the advance payment.
3. Enter and authorise the payment on Compass.

To make an advance payment on Compass:

1. Select 'Payments'.
2. Select 'Payment Adjustment Create/Amend'.
3. Select 'Create'.
4. Select the adjustment code 'HB_ADV'.
5. Enter the contract number in the 'Contract ID' and a 'Payment Date'. The payment will arrive in the providers bank account 3 working days from this date.
6. Enter an 'Amount'.
7. Add the details in 'Narrative' about why the payment is being made.
8. Select 'Save'.

This will automatically lead to a deduction of the advance payment on the next available schedule.

The adjustment must be authorised by a second user for it to go through. This must be done by a colleague, you cannot approve your own adjustments.

The NHS Dental Services Finance team will automatically be notified when an advance payment adjustment has been approved.

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