
FP17 and FP17O forms for the current financial year can be amended until the June processing date of the following year.

Rejected forms are held on record for 6 months.

Scheduled forms are held for up to 2 years.

How you amend an FP17 or FP17O depends on how the claim was submitted.

Submitted on EDI

Clinical Data Set / Treatment Band

Resubmit the form using your EDI system.

Enter the new information and tick the 'schedule query' indicator box.

This will replace the original form with the 'schedule query' form.

Incorrect contract number

Resubmit the claim with the incorrect contract number.

Select the 'deletion schedule' indicator. This will delete the incorrect claim.

You must resubmit the claim with the correct contract number.

Incorrect Personal ID

Resubmit the claim with the incorrect Personal ID.

Select the 'deletion schedule' indicator. This will delete the incorrect claim.

You must resubmit the claim with the correct Personal ID.

Submitted on Compass

Forms submitted using Compass can be amended:

  1. Go to the Activity folder.
  2. Select Activity Search Detail.
  3. Search for the claim
  4. Use the drop-down arrow to select either Amend Activity or Delete Activity.

Read more information about how to amend an FP17 or FP17O using Compass.

You can read information about Dental activity processing errors on our website.

Amending claims for the previous financial year

Contact us if you need to amend an FP17 or FP17O form after the June processing date of the following year.

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