
Estimated NPE or NPEE must be kept up to date to make sure performers are paying accurate monthly pension contributions.

The way you amend estimated NPE or NPEE depends on which country your practice is in.

Practices in England

If you’re a performer, speak to your provider and ask them to update your estimated NPE or NPEE on Compass.

Providers can amend a performer’s estimated NPE or NPEE using 'Contract Amend'. This is found in the ‘Contract’ folder in the homepage menu.

Read guidance about how to amend a performer’s estimated NPE or NPEE (PDF: 2.3MB)

Once you’ve submitted the change, download and complete a Compass Authorisation Form (CAF) to inform your Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Compass authorisation form (Excel: 42KB)

Find your ICB

The ICB will use this form to authorise the change on Compass.

Practices in Wales

If you’re a performer, speak to your provider to ask them to update your estimated NPE or NPEE. 

Providers must contact their Local Health Board (LHB) and ask them to update a performer’s estimated NPE or NPEE on Compass.

Find your LHB