
A provider can claim reimbursement of their business rates if both of the following apply:

  • they (or in cases of partnership, one of the partners) pays the business rates
  • their NHS dental services contract value is more than £25,000.

The application and any supporting evidence must be received within 3 months of the first payment falling due.

If you’re paying by instalments and want to be re-imbursed in a lump sum, we must receive your application and any supporting evidence within 3 months of the last instalment being paid.

If you're entitled to claim small business rates relief, this must be claimed before applying for reimbursement of business rates.

How to apply

  1. Log into Compass.
  2. Select ‘Payments’.
  3. Select ‘Payment Adjustment Update’.
  4. Select ‘Create Payment Adjustment’.
  5. Enter the Payment Adjustment Type ‘RATES_ENG’ or select from the drop down list.
  6. Select the payment adjustment type for ‘Business Rates (England only)’ from the table.
  7. Enter the mandatory fields and include full practice address and years you are applying for in the ‘Narrative’ box.
  8. Select ‘Attachments’ then ‘Add File’ to upload your supporting evidence.
  9. Select ‘Save’ to complete your declaration.

Watch our YouTube video guidance for information about how to make your application.

Read the full Statement of Financial Entitlements.


Welsh applications must be sent to

Guidance on how to claim business rates in Wales can be found on our website.

Sending evidence

You must include a copy of your business rates demand notice as evidence.

Your application must also include evidence showing the NHS proportion claimed in the previous year.

If you’re claiming business rates for 2023/24, submit the evidence for the claim made in 2022/23. This can be in the form of a set of accounts for 2021/22 financial year or a letter from your accountant.

If you are a new practice who does not have this evidence, a letter from your accountant containing the forecast of NHS proportion is needed.

You must include the relevant receipts if you:

  • pay your business rates in full
  • pay your business rates in 2 payments
  • request a lump sum payment covering all instalments.

Review your application

You must check your application status in Compass.

  1. Log into Compass.
  2. Select ‘Payments’.
  3. Select ‘Payment Adjustment’.
  4. Select ‘Awaiting Final Approval’ from the ‘Payment Adjustment Status’ dropdown box.

When your application is authorised, the status will change to ‘Approved’. Once the first payment is made the status will change to ‘Payment in Progress’.

You can view payment details if you select ‘View Payment Adjustment’ from the ‘Action’ column.

If your application is rejected, it cannot be amended. A new application is required.


The amount a provider can claim is subject to an abatement based on their proportion of non-NHS income:

Payment amounts that can be claimed
Proportion of NHS income in relation to the practice’s gross income Abatement amount
90% or more No abatement
80% or more but less than 90% 10%
70% or more but less than 80% 20%
60% or more but less than 70% 30%
50% or more but less than 60% 40%
40% or more but less than 50% 50%
30% or more but less than 40% 60%
20% or more but less than 30% 70%
10% or more but less than 20% 80%
Less than 10% 90%