If you’re eligible for the non-means tested grant, you can claim reimbursement for travel and accommodation costs whilst attending a practice placement as part of your course.
If you’ve been assessed as ‘European Fees Only’ you’re only entitled to have your tuition fees paid. You’ll not receive a bursary or reimbursement of any costs associated with practice placements.
You cannot make a claim for placement costs in advance of your placement.
If you’ll be on a long-term placement, you can claim part of the costs before the end of the placement and submit another claim at the end of the placement for the second month.
You must not claim for overlapping dates.
The application form must be signed and dated by yourself and the university on or after the last date of the placement claim period.
How to apply
You can apply for TDAE once your basic award has been processed and approved.
Download a TDAE form from our website.
Complete the form and take it to the Practice Placement Officer at your university.
You must provide evidence to support any declared costs.
If you’re missing any receipts, you must speak to your university to ask if they need any alternative evidence.
Your university is responsible for verifying the evidence, stamping and signing the claim form, and submitting it to us for processing and payment.
We must receive your form within 9 months of the last day of each placement.