A fees only award is where we'll only make payment of your tuition fee contribution.
You'll not receive any additional payments for the NHS Bursary or any additional allowances.
Students who will receive a fees only award are:
- means tested fees only students
- EU fees only students
Means tested fees only students
A student may be approved for a fees only award if they meet all the eligibility criteria but do not qualify for any means tested bursary elements due to the income declared.
If a dependant student's parents or independent student's spouse, partner, or civil partner choose not to declare their income details on the application form to be means tested, they'll be assessed for a fees only award.
In these cases, a non means tested grant may be awarded as well as tuition fees if your course started on or after 1 September 2012.
EU fees only students
A student who is an EU citizen may be entitled to payment of their tuition fee contribution but is not entitled to a maintenance grant element of the NHS Bursary because they do not meet the full eligibility criteria.