
This is used to provide any help you may need on your course such as:

  • sign language interpreters
  • note-takers
  • other non-medical assistance you need.

This allowance is paid directly to the relevant bodies that supplied you with the support. Invoices and signed timesheets must be submitted to us by the Non-Medical Helper and a payment will be made directly to them.

Your assessment of study needs will tell you the amount of hours you can claim for each academic year.

Non-Medical support can be given throughout the year as long as:

  • it doesn't exceed the number of recommended hours
  • is course related
  • you're still receiving a bursary.

You may select your own provider if you prefer. You'll only receive the recommended amount of study support noted in your award.

Non Medical hours which are not used in the academic year will not be carried over to the next year.