
If you're a postgraduate course student and expect to incur additional costs while attending your course as a direct result of your disability, you must complete a DSA digital application in your MyFunding account.

The DSAs application form will be available from the 'Apply' section of your MyFunding account, once your basic award has been processed and your attendance on the course has been confirmed.

You must also upload evidence to support your claim which includes:

  • an explanation of your disability, condition or specific learning difficulty
  • an up to date doctor's letter or a psychologist's report which explains what your disability is, the effect your disability has on your daily life, ability to study and whether the condition is recoverable.

If you have more than one condition you must send evidence for each condition.

We do not pay for the cost of obtaining this information. We cannot use confirmation of any benefits you receive as evidence.

Based on the medical information you supply with the application form we'll decide if you should attend an assessment of study needs. If so, a letter will be sent to you advising you how to arrange an appointment at a registered centre.

For academic years before 1 September 2020, you must complete an application for each year of study. You will not need to send your medical evidence every year, unless your disability has become more severe.

For academic years on or after 1 September 2020, you do not need to complete an application for each year of study. You'll not need to send your medical evidence every year, unless your disability has become more severe.

You can apply for DSAs for your academic year at any time before the end of that academic year.