
If applying for Disabled Students Allowances (DSAs) for the first time and your application is accepted, we'll confirm by letter that we can cover the cost of an assessment of study needs.

The letter refers you to a
website which lists the recommended assessment centres you must choose from.

The assessment will be carried out by a person with specialist experience at an independent assessment centre or a centre within your university / college. You'll need to arrange this with the disability advisor at your university / college.

You shouldn't arrange for an assessment of study needs prior to receiving written confirmation from us to say that your claim has been accepted, as you'll need to take this letter with you to confirm that the cost of the assessment will be met by us.

Your assessor will submit a report to us for consideration by post or email and we'll use this to calculate any DSAs you may be entitled to. There is no guarantee you will be awarded all of the support they recommend.

Once we've processed the report they send us we'll write to you confirming exactly what additional support you've been awarded.

When you apply for DSAs in subsequent years you'll receive an award letter based on your initial assessment of study needs report. A further assessment is only required if your disability has changed.