
Adult Dependants Allowance (ADA) forms part of the additional dependant's allowances and is paid to students who have an adult who is wholly or mainly financially dependent on them whilst they are studying. You can apply for one adult only and it can be claimed by both part-time and full-time postgraduate students.

In order to apply for the ADA all of the following must apply:

  • You are in receipt of the Postgraduate Social Work Bursary; and
  • You have an adult dependant who is aged 18 years or over and is wholly or mainly financially dependent on you; and
  • We have received a bursary application form to apply for the ADA prior to the deadline date.

You cannot claim ADA if any of the following applies:

  • You are only receiving the Placement Travel Allowance (PTA) because you have not been included in with your university's allocated or capped bursary places; or
  • The adult dependant is your own child or the child of a spouse / partner; or
  • The adult is under the age of 18 years at the beginning of the academic year; or
  • The adult dependant is a student and is receiving a statutory award; or
  • Where the adult dependant is not your spouse or partner and their income is above £3,976; or
  • You are an undergraduate student.