
Drug Tariff Part XIVC sets out the temporary safeguarding arrangements put in place for instances where as a pharmacy, your business is adversely affected if prescribers systematically increase prescription duration on all or a significant percentage of their prescription items.

This could lead to your pharmacy facing increased supplier bills in certain months as more medicines are dispensed per prescription than usual and decreased prescription item volume in subsequent months.

Read more information on our website.

There are 2 payments available.

Before applying for these or submitting your claim, you must read Part XIVC of the Drug Tariff.

Claim 1: To provide support to pay an increase in supplier's bills

For a month where the prescription item duration has increased compared to previously as you'll have dispensed significantly more medication per prescription item than usual, your advance, which is based on a historic net ingredient cost, is likely to be insufficient to cover your supplier bill for the month.

You can claim for that month for an increase in your advance by the Pharmacy Contractor Additional Advance by completing the Compensatory Fee Claim Form.

The amount that can be claimed must reflect the amount by which your supplier bill has increased solely due to the increase in prescription item duration and no other reason.

Claim 2: Remuneration

For the months following an increase in prescription duration, you may experience a drop in items dispensed and as a result earn fewer fees.

You can claim for an affected month for any lost fees and allowances by the Pharmacy Contractor Additional Advance by completing the Compensatory Fee Claim Form.