
GPs who want to make a claim for certain high-volume personally administered vaccines, must make them on an FP34 appendix form.

You submit the FP34 appendix form with your submission document and prescriptions at the end of each month.

Dispensing doctors and their practices should use the FP34D appendix form.

All other GPs and their practices should use the FP34PD appendix form.

Completing your appendix form

You must include the:

  • name of the GP and their index number
  • name of the vaccine
  • brand or manufacturer's name
  • presentation or pack endorsement
  • patient's dosage
  • total number of doses administered within the month

If a nurse’s prescriber code is added to the appendix form, the items will be attributed to the senior partner of the practice.

Vaccines bought free of charge through central supply are not to be claimed.