
If you're applying for independent status through self support, your application will be decided on your full circumstances rather than solely on your level of income.

Each case is looked at on an individual basis using the application information and evidence provided.

To apply for independent status through self support, you must have supported yourself from your own income through employment either on a part-time or full-time basis and be able to satisfactorily demonstrate you've done so for a period of 36 months in total.

Earnings from work in other countries can be considered. We can also take into account periods you've been supported by state benefits.

Income received through being a student such as loans or grants, cannot be used towards your 36 months of being self supported total.

Income earned from work while you were studying may be considered including wages from apprenticeships.

Your period of self support does not have to be a continuous 36 months.

We cannot confirm if your individual circumstances will qualify you for independent status. You must submit an application and provide all requested evidence and this decision will be made at the time of your assessment.

All evidence provided must be from before the start of the first day of your first academic year.