
If you continue contributing and have not had a break in membership of more than 5 years, your 1995 or 2008 Section benefits will be calculated on your final salary at or near retirement. This is known as the final salary link. They’ll not be calculated on your pay when you moved to the 2015 Scheme.

If you continue contributing and have had a break in membership of more than 12 months before you moved to the 2015 Scheme, but less than 5 years, we’ll calculate your 1995 or 2008 Section benefits 2 ways at retirement.

We’ll use both the:

  • final salary link for all 1995 or 2008 membership
  • rate of pay before your break in membership up until that point and the final salary link for the remaining membership

You’ll be paid using the most beneficial calculation for you.

If you have had a break in membership of 5 years or more in the 1995 or 2008 section, and rejoined the same section, we’ll calculate your benefits using the same 2 ways.

If you’ve had a break in membership of 5 years or more since joining the 2015 Scheme, your membership before the break will no longer keep any final salary link. Your deferred 1995 or 2008 Section benefits will be based on your rate of pay before the break in membership.

Multiple jobs at different pay bands

If you have 2 or more jobs with different pay bands, the pay and hours from all of your posts are used to calculate the pay figure for your benefits.