
The NHS Pension Scheme is a defined benefit pension scheme split into 2 schemes:

  • 1995 and 2008 Sections of the NHS Pension Scheme
  • 2015 Scheme

The 1995 and 2008 Sections are now closed. All active membership will be in the 2015 Scheme.

When you take your pension benefits, your NHS pension is guaranteed to be paid a specific amount depending on your:

  • length of service
  • pay
  • contributions

Your NHS pension is not dependent on investment returns.

It is compliant with sharia law.

On our website you can view:

2015 Scheme

The 2015 Scheme is a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) Scheme.

A CARE scheme uses your pensionable earnings throughout your career to calculate your pension.

Every year the amount of pension you earn is calculated based on your actual pensionable pay in that Scheme year. The amount is increased through revaluation every year until you retire or leave the Scheme.

Read more information on how a pension in the 2015 Scheme is calculated.

Visit our website for more information of understanding your benefits in the 2015 Scheme.

1995 and 2008 Scheme

This Scheme was split into 2 sections:

  • 1995 Section
  • 2008 Section

Both are final salary schemes. They use your years of membership and pensionable earnings at, or close to retirement, to calculate your pension unless you have a disqualifying break.

1995 Section

The 1995 section uses your pensionable earnings from the best of the 3 years leading up to your retirement.

2008 Section

The 2008 section uses your pensionable earnings average from the best 3 consecutive years within the 10 years leading up to your retirement.

Read more information on how a pension in the 1995 and 2008 Scheme is calculated.

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