
This depends on the reason why the AP contract is ending.

Cancelling AP contract

To cancel your AP, you must write to us and tell your employer.

We’ll contact your employer to cancel your election and ask them to send us the details we need to calculate the amount of AP the contributions made have purchased.

After cancelling your contract, we’ll send you an AP6 letter to confirm that your election has been cancelled and the credit you’ve received.

You can set up a new AP election at any time.

Ill health and terminal illness

If you’re claiming your pension due to ill health or terminal illness, you’ll be credited with the full AP purchase if:

  • you’ve been paying the instalments for 12 months or more
  • it’s 12 months or more since you made your lump sum payment.

If you apply to retire within 12 months of paying for or starting to pay for AP, the election will be cancelled and any payments returned.

Opting out or no longer contributing to the Scheme

If you do not return to the Scheme within 12 months, you’ll be credited with the AP you’ve paid for.

It’s not possible to pay a lump sum to complete the agreement.

If you have a break in NHS pensionable employment for less than 12 months, you’ll be given the opportunity to continue your election after the break.

You cannot pay the missed instalments for any gaps in NHS pensionable employment. Breaks in employment will reduce the amount of AP bought.

Claiming a refund of AP contributions

You cannot claim a refund of only your AP contributions.

If you meet the criteria to claim a refund of all your pension contributions, your AP contributions will be included in this.