
If you live permanently in the UK you can access NHS dental treatment. You can have any treatment needed to keep your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy and free of pain through the NHS.

Find an NHS dentist.

Your dentist will discuss any treatment is needed with you. Treatments that are not clinically necessary or are cosmetic, for example sport guards and teeth whitening must be paid for privately.

There are 3 treatment charge bands for NHS dental treatment in England and Wales.

All treatment identified in your dental exam is covered by 1 payment, even if you go back to the practice more than once to complete the course of treatment.

NHS orthodontic treatment

NHS orthodontic treatment is free for people under the age of 18 with a clear health need for treatment.

NHS orthodontic care is not usually available for adults, but it may be approved on a case-by-case basis if it's needed for health reasons.

A rating system called Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) is used to assess your eligibility for NHS treatment.

NHS treatment is available for grade 4 and grade 5 cases. Grade 3 cases are usually judged on an individual basis. NHS treatment may also be available if the appearance of your teeth, jaw or face is of concern.