Yes. All Executive Senior Manager (ESM) and Senior Medical Leader salaries are reviewed, agreed and approved by the NHS Improvement Director of Human Resources and Organisation Development (HR and OD), regardless of the salary entered into the Offer table.
The Director of HR and OD holds a joint contract of employment for both NHS England (NHSE) and NHSI and has the authority to sign the contracts on behalf of both organisations.
Salaries that are above £100,000 will also need approval which should be obtained via the Director of HR and OD.
Salary stated in the Offer Letter
In the interim of HR Shared Services (HRSS) being provided with salary approval, the Offer letter will still be sent to the candidate and will display the salary range for the grade provided when completing the offer table.
For example, if ‘ESM Grade 1’ was entered into the Offer table, the salary range will state ‘£100,000 - £131,300’.
Once approval has been received, the approved salary will be reflected within the candidates Contract of Employment. An amended Offer letter will not be issued.