
If a pharmacy makes an error when processing an online application, the action to take depends on when it was submitted.

If the application was submitted on the same day, follow the NHSBSA PPC Pharmacy sales support document on our website.

You can also contact our Technical and Procedural team to correct the error.

Telephone: 0300 330 1009

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.


The information you must provide depends on the type of error.

If the application was not submitted on the same day, the certificate will have already been issued. The pharmacy must ask the PPC holder to contact us directly for assistance.

Error message received

If you've received a technical error message, you must provide the:

  • pharmacy ODS code
  • pharmacy name
  • pharmacy postal address
  • pharmacy contact number
  • patient’s full name
  • patient’s date of birth
  • patient’s address, including postcode
  • patient’s email address
  • date the PPC was sold
  • PPC start date, the start date cannot be more than one month before or after the date it was sold
  • certificate length, 12 or 3 month PPC

Error on application

If any information is incorrect on the PPC due to a typing error made at the pharmacy, you must provide the:

  • pharmacy ODS code
  • PPC certificate number
  • patient’s full name
  • patient’s date of birth
  • patient’s address, including postcode
  • what needs to be updated

If the patient has received their PPC and the certificate length is incorrect, we must see proof of purchase. You must attach this to your email.

Missed application

If a PPC was sold but not processed on pharmacy sales within one month, you must provide the:

  • pharmacy ODS code
  • pharmacy name
  • pharmacy postal address
  • pharmacy contact number
  • patient’s full name
  • patient’s date of birth
  • patient’s address, including postcode
  • patient’s email address
  • date the PPC was sold
  • PPC start date, the start date cannot be more than one month before or after the date it was sold
  • certificate length, 12 or 3 month PPC
  • proof of purchase attached to the email