
If you cannot see the job listing you're looking for on the employer dashboard, this may mean you haven't been assigned the correct role to view the job listing.

Recruiting managers can only see job listings where they've been assigned a role as part of that listing, such as the Recruiting manager for the listing, the shortlisting lead or as a shortlisting panel member.

If you’re a Recruiting manager, ask a user with the NHS Jobs role of Super user, Team manager or Recruitment administrator to check you’ve been allocated the correct role on the job listing.

As a Super user, Team manager or Recruitment administrator, you must:

  1. Search for the job listing.
  2. Select the job title to bring up the job listing details page.
  3. Select the 'Team' tab to check who has been assigned each of the roles.

Further support and user guides are available on our website.

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