
OPD allows pharmacists the flexibility to dispense up to 10% more or 10% less than the prescribed quantity if this means the product can be supplied to the patient in the manufacturer’s original pack.

OPD is listed in Part II Clause 15 of the Drug Tariff.

Items covered by OPD

OPD can be claimed on all drugs except:

  • Schedule 2-4 Controlled drugs
  • special and imported unlicensed medicines
  • special containers - including sub pack special containers
  • when a Serious Shortage Protocol (SSP) is also claimed
  • items supplied in accordance with a Patient Group Direction (PGD)

Claiming OPD

Electronic prescription forms

The dispensed quantity will be captured from the Electronic Reimbursement Endorsement Message (EREM):

  • if the dispensed quantity is the same as the prescribed quantity, reimbursement will be paid as prescribed
  • if the dispensed quantity is lower than the prescribed quantity, reimbursement will be paid as supplied
  • if the dispensed quantity is up to and including 10% more than the prescribed quantity, reimbursement will be paid as supplied
  • if the dispensed quantity is greater than the prescribed quantity by more than 10%, reimbursement will be paid as prescribed

Paper prescription forms 

Reimbursement for OPD will only apply to Electronic prescription forms. 

Paper prescription forms will follow current reimbursement arrangements.