
You can apply to buy back remedy period service if you opted out of the NHS Pension Scheme because of the discrimination identified in the Public Service Pensions Remedy.

We may consider a buy back request earlier than this if you opted out based on perceived information about the 2015 Scheme. 

Before you apply

To estimate the cost of buying back remedy period service, use the relevant buy back cost calculator on our website.

View the Buy back cost calculator guide on how to use the calculator.

Separate calculations must be made and the costs added together if you have:

  • concurrent officer and practitioner employment
  • a change in contract such as whole to part-time
  • breaks in employment or change in employers
  • concurrent practitioner employment within the same year – they must be amalgamated together into one yearly calculation

Officer calculations include tax relief.

Practitioner calculations do not include tax relief. Practitioner members must include details of any paid opted out contributions on their annual self-assessment to claim back tax. The calculation will show the total contribution cost and the interest applied.

Who can apply

This applies to all eligible members and includes officer and practitioner roles.

You can apply if you’re:

  • an active member
  • a deferred member
  • a pensioner
  • someone who has remained in an opted out NHS employment carried out in the NHS for England and Wales

You must contact the respective separate scheme administrators for NHS Scotland or Northern Ireland.

How to apply

Complete the Application to buy back opted out service Part 1: request your quote.

If your employer no longer has records or exists, complete the employer details and provide supportive data if applicable.

You must complete separate applications if you worked for different employers or had changes in employment contract during the period being claimed.

After you've applied

Once an application is received, we’ll use the information to calculate the exact cost including the tax position and any additional interest.

You’ll be sent a Remedial Service Statement (RSS).

If you want to proceed, complete and return the payment instruction form.

This must be returned within 12 months.

Active and deferred members can pay contributions by a lump sum or instalment plan.

Use the lump sum calculator or instalment calculator on our website.

Pensioner members can have the deductions made from their pension benefits already in payment. This would be taken from the arrears of additional pension lump sum if applicable or arrears of pension. If any amount remained, it would be deducted from the ongoing pension until fully recovered.

We’ll confirm receipt of the payment instruction and add the purchased or to be purchased membership to your pension record.

Successful members will be responsible for paying their employee contributions plus any associated interest.

We’re not asking employers to pay the employer contribution.

All payment must be covered. Any remaining amounts outstanding at the time of retirement or death, will be deducted from the associated pension benefits.

If you received recycled employer pension contributions for the service you want to reinstate, you must contact your employer to revisit the pension recycling arrangements with you. They may request repayment of the contributions.