
Refunds are usually paid by cheque or Bacs (Bankers Automated Clearing System) bank transfer.

Your refund claim will be processed within 5 working days.

It can take up to 8 weeks for a refund to be paid, from the date the refund claim is processed.

Who pays your refund depends on the type of refund and where the costs were paid.

If you have any queries about how your refund will be paid, contact the correct paying authority.

Check what help you could get to pay for NHS costs and apply online.

NHS dental treatment

  • England - NHS Dental Services
  • Wales - NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, Contractor Services
  • Scotland - Practitioner Services - Dental
  • Northern Ireland - Central Services Agency, Belfast - Dental


  • England - Primary Care Support England (PCSE)
  • Wales - NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
  • Scotland - Practitioner Services - Optical
  • Northern Ireland - Central Services Agency, Belfast - Optical


If the place of travel has a cashier’s office, you can claim a refund by showing your receipts and evidence of your qualifying benefit or exemption at the time of treatment.

If you're unable to claim a refund at the time of treatment, your refund will be paid by the place of treatment if they have a cashiers office or your Sub ICB Location (SICBL) if they do not.

NHS wig or fabric support

Refunds are paid by the finance or cashier office of the hospital the NHS wig or fabric support was prescribed.

Check what help you could get to pay for NHS costs and apply online.