
Follow the guidance for:

Missing information

Total Reward Statement (TRS), Annual Benefit Statement (ABS), or statement in My NHS Pension is showing no information

You must contact us if you view your TRS or ABS and it does not include your pension statement.

TRS or ABS information is not up to date

The TRS or ABS is a snapshot document taken in June and October of each year.

If you’ve made changes after these periods, the change will not show on the TRS or ABS until the refresh in August or December.

Missing employment information

If you have missing or incorrect membership, follow this guidance.

Missing payslip or P60

If your payslip is missing, this means you’ve not received your first pension payment. Once this has been processed, your payslip will show on the portal.  

Your P60 is usually issued in May or June each year. Once this has been issued, your P60 will show on the portal. 

When you download your payslip or P60, this will appear in your downloads folder.

If your P60 or payslip is blank, send a copy and screenshot to

Incorrect information

If you think we hold incorrect pensionable pay details, you must tell your NHS employer.

The information on My NHS Pension is provided by your employer at the end of every scheme year. Your employer must amend your record if they’ve made an error.

If your details are incorrect, you must contact your employer so they can update this with us.

Once you've received confirmation that your details have been corrected, you must wait 24 hours before registering.

You do not need new registration and personal ID codes if you have already been sent them.