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Follow the guidance for if you're a:

Dependent student

Your NHS Bursary must be reassessed on your spouse or civil partner's income and expenses.

Submit a Change of Circumstances form.

Your basic award and extra weeks allowance will be a total amount based on the award before your change in circumstances which was assessed by your parent’s contribution and the new entitlement based on your spouse or civil partner's contribution from the date of marriage to the end of the academic year.

Independent student

If you was living together before marriage and included your spouse or civil partner's income and expenses in your initial assessment, you do not need to have your NHS Bursary reassessed. This includes any additional allowances you've applied for.

To change your marital status, submit a Change of Circumstances form.

Did not live together before marriage

If your initial assessment has been based on your income and expenses only because you were not living with your spouse or civil partner before marriage, your NHS Bursary award must be reassessed to take into account your spouse or civil partner's income and expenses.

This is regardless of if you now live together.

Submit a Change of Circumstances form.

You must upload a covering letter confirming the dates you married and moved in together.

Your basic award will be a total amount based on your entitlement up to the date of marriage and a new entitlement means tested on your spouse or civil partner's income from the date of marriage to the end of the academic year.

You can apply for Dependants Allowance for your spouse or civil partner and any children who are financially dependent on you.