
You can apply for a medical exemption certificate if you have a listed medical condition.

This entitles you to free NHS prescriptions.

It does not cover free dental treatment or help with other NHS health costs.

If you're entitled to a certificate, an FP92a application form will be completed by your doctor or health professional. 

This must be sent to:

NHS Business Services Authority
Medical Exemption Certificates
Bridge House
152 Pilgrim Street
Newcastle upon Tyne

You'll receive your certificate within 10 working days of us receiving your application.

If you need an NHS prescription before your medical exemption certificate arrives, you must pay and ask the pharmacy for an FP57 receipt.

You can use this to apply for a refund once you receive your medical exemption certificate..


If you live in Scotland and want to apply for a medical exemption certificate in England, speak to your GP and ask them to complete a EC92A form.


If you live in Wales and want to apply for a medical exemption certificate in England, speak to your GP and ask them to complete a FP92W form.

Northern Ireland

If you live in Northern Ireland and want to apply for a medical exemption certificate in England, speak to your GP and ask them to complete a HC11B form.

Check what help you could get to pay for NHS costs and apply online.

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